Thursday, March 31, 2016

My March madness!

It's been a busy month for me doing all the things I love to do.
I painted as much as I could fit in, starting with an oil painting workshop with Neil. As always I learned more ways to tackle that medium, Hoping to use them in Arcadia this fall. I plan to practice more this summer as well. Not doing masterpieces but learning.
The big project was to make a large painting for Paige and Thomas's new home in Georgia. It was a challenge but she tells me they love it. Now to transport to is 48x30".
Mimi shared some of her tricks in a one day to try and loosen up.
Now to finish up the invitations for the shower and pack up the materials for the summer. Plan is to be in an exhibit at the library with the paper guild members..translate to take even more home!!
We will be trying to enjoy the last days here..a sailing evening, friends, and then home.
Photos are Invitations,painting on its side, wild thing ..

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