Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fanning Island, Kiribati

After two days sailing we have arrived at the atoll of Fanning Island or Tabuaeran.  Very few have been here as it is isolated and very small.  The island was created by coral formations around a volcano which then eroded away.  We had to tender in as the ocean is 17,000 feet deep here and we cannot anchor nor can the ship enter the lagoon.  Residents were waiting to sing, dance and show their wares to the third cruise ship of the year to visit.  Only one more is expected in the fall.  The only other means of livelihood is coconuts  and seaweed.  The land is only a few feet above sea level and is in great danger of the rising seas and storms.  Islanders may move away eventually. 
Unfortunately the squalls showered us all with rain most of our time on Fanning.  We watched the tiny hula dancers and listened to lovely singing, walked among the breadfruit trees, coconut palms and small pigs which roamed about.  The baskets and jewelry made by island women was nice and Dale and I were happy to help the economy by purchasing some to take home.  Some from the ship brought school supplies and clothing to donate here.
There is no electricity or plumbing and very little foodstuff.
After waiting for some time for the rain to stop we finally gave up our quest to walk the beach and returned to the ship. We were sad not to see this island on a sunny day as it looks like paradise.  But a warm shower and dry clothes felt great!  We will play some cards later and then enjoy a supper in the Italian restaurant aboard.
Yesterday we crossed the equator and the crew held a ceremony for those crew members who were first timers.  Fun to watch!!  We have received certificates saying we crossed as well.  Today is the 23 and so is tomorrow!!  due to date line crossing a couple of times.  By the time we reach Hawaii I am not sure what the date will be!!...I think the 25th???

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of the tiny dancers. Congratulations on sailing across the equstot.
