Saturday, March 21, 2020

Unsettled times...

Things have not gone as planned this fine spring.   As the reports of Corona 19 got worse and worse in February we began to question our upcoming cruise scheduled for April 11.  We were not overly concerned but I did purchase some wipes and sanitizer just to be extra careful..more than normal.

The art fair went off as planned on Feb 23 and was well attended.  I sold a nice amount and was pleased.  Next event was the SanCap Council exhibit at Big Arts on Sanibel.  Everyone was excited to be in the new gallery.  On March 3 we received over 125 paintings and juried, judged and hung them that same day.  I was exhausted from being there from early morning until after six.  It was tweaked the next day then the reception was on Friday.  Lots of people attended and the place was busy and looked great.  I was pleased to win second place!! 
This is my mixed media painting titled "Dream".

My chest started feeling a bit tight on Saturday;, then a cough on Sunday.  We still went to the farmers market and bought some fresh produce.  On Monday I had a bit of a runny nose and more coughing but went to my watercolor class and enjoyed it.  Monday night...felt bad and went to bed for the next two days with headache, cough, aches etc.  I believe it was the flu...a friend had come down the same time and her's was Type A so I was pretty sure that was mine as well.    I began to feel a bit better each day but stayed home and rested.  The news about the virus got worse and worse.  Our cruise was cancelled...all for the next 60 days.    Big Arts decided to close and arrangements were made to take down the show.  Now everything is cancelled and we are asked to stay home.  I have only gone to the beach on George's birthday.  He has been shopping and doing things as the gallery.  I worry.

I'm not feeling too well today, still coughing and tight chest though I don't think it is causing breathing difficulties.  Hopefully it will just progress and I will get better.

So plans are to go home on the 8th.  It won't be as sunny but I would rather be near family.  It looks like this situation is going to get much worse before it gets better.  I just pulled fabric to make some masks.  What a terrible state for the world and country to be in these days.  People don't believe there is really a threat....foolish ones.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Mitchell and 6 scoops!@@

Kris and Mitchell

Catching up again!

February was so much fun with all the visiting and events happening.  Not much down time but that's ok.  Kris and Mitchell came in early  for a short week.  We had fun visiting all their favorite places and eating our way through.  One day we had lunch at Love Boat Ice cream and enjoyed just their great flavors.  Mitchell had a huge bowl of 6 scoops and finished it all!!

Next up were some great friends from Kalamazoo.  We had Menz's, Ree's, Joanne, and Esborns join us for a fun day here.  Just a lot of food and talk all day.  It was so nice to see the Ree's who are in Georgia and Esborns who are in Ohio.  We wished all 8 of the Gs could be together again.

Esborns left and the rest were overnight here...very cozy but we all slept pretty well. Next day we had a simple breakfast and then were off to the beach to show off the gallery and the quirky town.  We had lunch at Doc Fords for a water view after grabbing a beer at Bonita Bill's.  A taste of FMB!!   Dinner was just simple as we were pretty full and game of cards or two.  And then it was just Ree's and Menz's.  We drove to Captiva and showed them my exhibit there, through Ding Darling National Park, had more food at Bubble Room and generally a very nice day.  Menz's left and had a long ride home due to an accident on alligator ally.  Thanks to Dennis we all could ride in his big van..lots of driving but thanks a bunch, Dennis!!

And then there were just the Ree's....and off they went the next morning and back to Georgia.  It was such fun to have them all visit.  Perhaps again one of these days!!

No rest for the wicked...I had to prepare for the Art Fair on Sanibel and had my car packed Saturday morning.  We also had a reception at FMBAA for the Mexican group on Saturday evening which was well attended and lots of fun.  All the beautiful paintings bring back such great memories of that trip!!

The Art Fair went well for me and I had record sales.  Mine are not framed and some not matted so are great values.  I will need to get busy for next year's sale...paint paint!!

The SCAL council show received on March 3 and since I was co chair it was a VERY long day for me.  From before 8am until 6pm and the hanging was complete.  This was the first on in the new gallery and we really accepted too many paintings despite declining over 50!  Next year we will select even less as the installation looks a bit crowded.  I was happy that judge Kathleen Conover selected my painting for second place.  She was surprised to find out it was mine since I hadn't said one word while she deliberated.  It is called Dream....  mixed media  S650.

We are scheduled for a cruise on April 11 to Copenhagen, 14 days on the Sky Princess.  Because of the Corona Virus many are cancelling their trips.  Princess gave us until the end of the month to decide if we wanted to cancel and put the money on a different cruise.  So far no, but we'll be watching the news.  A trip to Italy for Paige and Thomas was cancelled and I'm sure it won't be the only one for friends that changes.

Stay healthy out there friends!!