Friday, January 17, 2020

What have we been up to???!!!

Shocking to see how much time has gone by since that last post but things here in FM have been busy for us.

In November I hung my exhibit at the Captiva Yacht Club which looked very nice.  We hung all that I had with me..17 in all.  We attended a dinner where they introduced me and I was able to chat about my work.  When I picked up the paintings at the end of the month I found that two had sold,  both pastels and one a beach scene and one of umbrella tables in Times Square.  Fun to see them go to good homes.

In early December I hung two pieces in the Captiva Community Center but wasn't able to attend the reception due to it being at the same time as the FMBAA potluck.  Since I ran the Dirty Santa exchange I had to be there ...lots of fun for everyone!!!  Our  Art Divine sale started the following day and more art went up.  I sold 5 pieces I think...nice.

Captiva Yacht Club

About that time my pc died a slow death!!  yikes.  George worked very hard to retrieve my files when it was working and it looks like he was successful.  Thankful for the back up drive for sure.   I don't have all my photos on this new pc yet but will slowly build up the files.   We ordered the new one to arrive at Kris's while we were in Michigan for Christmas.  George spent a lot of time reloading everything so I could be up to speed when we returned.

Christmas was fun, family get together held at Kris's and at the lake then we visited Guitars and ended at Steve's new house.  It was in flux with all the work going on but we were able to help some and visit while doing so.  Allie was there with Alex, only missing were Paige and Thomas this year.

I'll see what photos I can dig up from our visits...sketchy for sure.

Back in Fm we have been busy as always with FMBAA, exhibits, a workshop, an open house, and I am working to have my paintings ready for my exhibit in studio II and again at Captiva for an Invitational Exhibit.  Almost done with that.

My painting Stormy Sunrise is in the Winter Juried Show at FMBAA and received a small award.  Nice, pastels are doing ok!!!!

We're looking forward to February...Kris and Mitchell will visit as well as Rees, Menzs, Eisborns, and perhaps Joanne. a week later.   March should be calm, oh, except for another exhibit on Sanibel which I co chair!!  Then we can relax on another cruise ...yes, on the new Sky across the Atlantic to Copenhagen.  We'll see some new sights and enjoy exploring the new ship.  And I'm planning the South American adventure with so much to research. .......yea!